Sunday, February 10, 2008

William Michaelian, a New Voice in American Poetry

Simplicity, Sincerity, Sonority: A New Voice in American Poetry

The following excerpt is from an excellent review of William Michaelian's two books of poetry, Winter Poems and Another Song I Know, posted recently online. The review is by Russ Allison Loar, a journalist, writer, and poet who lives in Claremont, California.

"Michaelian has a way of reflecting on so many familiar yet untranslated parts of our lives with a language that is clear, crystalline and communicative. It is a language that does not seek to impress either literary colleagues or pretentious poetry devotees. It is a language that seeks to communicate. As Robert Frost once described himself, there is no doubt that Michaelian is also 'one of those poets who wants to be understood.' He is willing to shed the literary egotism of the academic crossword-puzzle poets of our age in order to be understood."

The complete review is available at and on the Powell's Books Website.

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