Happy Annivesary: 14 years and 2741 entries
Today is APP's 14th anniversary.
We will celebrated it, as we often do, quietly, reading poetry and happy to have achieved a few key points.
We remain the only website providing audio and text RSS feeds of poems written by Armenians, as well as contemporary authors on Armenian subject matters.
We continue providing all internet surfers free access to the webpage and audio downloads 24/7/365 via RSS feeds.
We invite you to join our readers in celebrating APP's broad spectrum:
- independent research of the best Armenian poetry we can find
- gems by authors from the 19th century to the present
- introduction to out of print books, periodicals and digitized archives
- an index by authors and countries
- experimental works by contemporary authors
- introduction of budding authors, including our UPCOMING Call for Poems on the topic of epidemics, illness, medicine, death and healing (JUNE 1st 2020 DEADLINE!)
- different languages of expression, mostly Armenian, English or French, with translations provided whenever possible
This project is curated and produced by Lola Koundakjian in New York. To contact APP, send an email to: ArmenianPoetryProject[at]gmail[dot]com.
If YOU ENJOY this website, please consider making a donation via Paypal.com by clicking on the button below. Your donations help maintain the audio website, buy books and replace equipment for the recordings as well as research in libraries.

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