Showing posts with label Elise Youssoufian. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Elise Youssoufian. Show all posts

Saturday, October 02, 2021

Elise Youssoufian: Կամաց, կամաց ("Slowly, Slowly")

Bathe each fresh cut in our rivers of tears.
Take care of the root.

Kiss all the pain into shields of stars.
Take care of the root.

Plant battered hearts at Mayr Hayasdan's feet,
Breathe truth beyond snag of Grey Wolves' gold teeth.

Be vessel, be witness, be living stone.
Sing us gutted, uprooted, but not alone.

We are.
We are.
We are still here,
Hungering for a taste of justice,
Making bread out of bitter fruit.