Showing posts with label Brazil. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Brazil. Show all posts

Thursday, July 13, 2023

William Zeytounlian: Armenia


By William Zeytounlian

There is a dual dimension of history written from the testimonies of a survivor. It’s certainly a speech about the past. But first of all, it is a discourse about the present, or rather, a discourse about the project that the survivor has about the interlocutor. With a survivor, we enter the collective ditch of the past with our present-day clothing, like the apostles of a Renaissance painting in ancient Jerusalem or Dante in hell.

The alphabet on the shield

Unveils the grass,

The abridged sand

We – weak morrow

Muffled breath

Us – oblivion, memory

Of a breed


Ottoman moon

Shiny epidermis —

Reveals the seed,

The sober aria

Over sand:


Before we’re past

Breaths we were


Translated from Portuguese by Shushanik Hovakimyan

Wednesday, July 12, 2023

William Zeytounlian: Di-áspora:


sêmen somos e óvulo

lançados de novo à terra –

um dia duvidaram do gérmen;

hoje somos bifurcação incontável.


como um auspício,

Tumanian leu o futuro

no voo de um grou.

Mas teria imaginado

que entre as bananeiras e arranha-céus,

entre as catedrais góticas

e os rios de leite da Califórnia


apenas com a memória,

todo o deserto da Síria?

Teria imaginado que

buscaríamos o que fosse,

lasca de osso,

feixe de cabelo?

William Zeytounlian

William Zeytoulian (nascido em São Paulo em 1988) é mestre em História pela Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP), esgrimista, poeta e tradutor.