Wednesday, August 21, 2019


Ուիթմենը տեսնում է տիեզերքը
խոտի տերևներում,
Բլեյքը՝ ավազի հատիկի մեջ,
Գինզբերգը՝ աչքերում սովորական մարդու
ու էրոսի...

Ես, որպես կին, տեսնում եմ
բոլորն այս պատուհանից հիմա,
և լվացք եմ փռում կիսաժպիտ...

Մահվան դեմքը անվերջ մեծանում է
կյանքիս ծիծաղելի հայելու մեջ,
կշռում եմ քաղաքն այս
փակ կոպերով.
քար է... օդ է... ու ժամանակ։

իսկ դու ամենուր ես խենթուկ օդի նման.
խոտի տերևներում, ավազի մեջ,
աստղերի մեջ ես դու, և աչքերում
տղաների այն սովորական...


Monday, August 12, 2019

Lola Koundakjian: In Search of Rilke at the Metropolitan Museum of Art

Photo by Lola Koundakjian, Metropolitan Museum of Art

After a reading of Archaic Torso

A Sunday afternoon, the final lazy weekend of the summer, I escape to the cool, bright corridors of that art institution. I am in search of Apollo or Rilke.

In the Hellenistic and Roman wing I find Hermes, Eros, Heracles, headless torsos of young men and women, centaurs, athletes and heroes. I turn around each statue and sepulchre, reading labels and descriptions.

In desperation, I ask a guard but she’s clueless.

I search for him in a cubiculum nocturnum (i.e. bedroom), in galleries, in the faces and camera lenses of tourists, finally finding him through old-fashioned help, the humble assistance of the information desk clerk.

There are two Apollos here. One in worse shape than the other, one slightly taller, one still resting against a marble trunk, one with more genitals intact, more of the hip areas defined, with both feet, perfect toes and toenails.


The Japanese tourist photographs her friend grabbing, or is it covering, the genitals; I hear the guard laughing heartily. Men, women and children walk by, few stop by to look at the headless torso, few read the description, few acknowledge that THIS was Apollo, this WAS the god of music and poetry, son of Zeus, father of Orpheus, one of the twelve Olympians, Dii Consentes. Who cares for those lesser gods and heroes when Apollo is in the room?

And still, I don’t find Rilke, a man at least in some form or manner representing him, his essence, or a man who has read his work, a man aware of that dilemma called mid-career or life crisis.

I wonder if I tear a piece of paper, write in bold capital letters RILKE, and hold it up, will someone stop and chat with me, sit and read with me that poem, ask me questions about it, maybe exchange something about himself, a revelation found through this encounter.

If any answer to man’s inner quest is to be found on Earth, it could be at these feet, or another work of art, at this museum or another like it, in this city or another metropolis such as the many found on this or other continents.

And yet his torso
is still suffused with brilliance from inside,
like a lamp, in which his gaze, now turned to low,
gleams in all its power.

Lola Koundakjian, NY, USA
September 2011
Published in Naugatuck River Review 2014

Sunday, August 11, 2019


Someday all poems will have to be
about shootings and killing sprees
It seems that's all that happens these
days and if we do not change our ways
there will be no time to write about things
like the first light of dawn that kisses the
treetops aflame against a carmine sky or
waves that wash dancing silver
fish across shell-flecked sand

No, there will be no time for that only
blood and fear and hate and tears
the sick sweet smell of gunpowder
that hangs in the air like incense
at some perverse Church of Holy Guns
while mothers kiss cold lips and
bleach washes crimson stains
from shell-shocked floors and walls

Who needs poems about nature
and love when there are elegies
and laments to be written thoughts
and prayers to be mouthed
and promises to be made
and forgotten until the next time
which will probably be the day
after tomorrow

This poems appeared in The New Verse 

A natural history photo editor by day, John Kaprielian has been writing poetry for over 35 years. In 2012 he challenged himself to write a poem a day for a year and self-published the poems in a book 366 Poems: My Year in Verse available on Amazon. His poems have been published in The Five-Two Poetry Blog, Down in the Dirt Magazine, TheNewVerse.News,, The Blue Nib, The Blue Mountain Review, and Minute Magazine. He lives in Putnam County, NY with his wife, teenage son, and assorted pets. He is thoroughly sick of writing poems like this.

Saturday, August 10, 2019

John Kaprielian's work in Minute Magazine


The first birthday I can recall
was fifty years ago today
It’s my first memory
I was four
I remember the game
and a cake of rainbow
Jello that jiggled and swayed

But I was finally four
and that meant
I was a man
because I received
a real fishing rod
hand wound, with a
top quality DAM Quick reel

My father didn’t buy
kiddie tackle
crappy pushbutton Zebcos
and stubby molded
plastic rods

No, I was old enough
for a real reel
and a fine rod
and I knew I had
to take care of it
to be responsible
because now
I was a man

That summer I caught
a 13-inch pickerel
on a yellow worm
We nailed the head to a tree
to dry and preserve it
It stank and writhed with maggots
and 40 years later
my dog ate it

I still have my pole though
eventually the tip broke
when I was much older
and less responsible
and the reel
wore out from

But the rod has lasted
though my father is gone.
I am still a man
and so is my son.


I walk out the door
and the peonies
me that you’re
not here

You loved how they
would burst forth
slow motion fireworks
right around
your birthday

an empty day now
without celebrations
only memories of
celebrations past

yet I find myself
struggling to remember
those past birthdays
surely full of
fishing and laughter
and probably lobsters
and gin and love

The peonies are
huge and pink
their petals brimming
with the morning rain
like eyes
full of tears.

These poems appeared in Minute Magazine. Please visit the website for the audio portions.

Friday, August 09, 2019

John Kaprielian: Selection of poems from The Blue Nib Literary Magazine

Tins of Dust
They say you should change
your spices every year or
they lose potency and aroma
but in the back of my
spice cabinet
behind the cinnamon-sticks
and whole allspice
a few old
faded Anne Page tins sit
with yellowed masking-tape
and slanted blue ball-point
handwritten labels
identifying the gray
scentless dust within

The writing is my mother’s
gone 25 years now
and the spices are
decades past their
best-by date but I can’t
throw them out or even
refill them
like cremains they are sacred
and useless
but when I look at them
I see them sitting in place
in our old pantry
right side, third shelf up
with the other spices
a ragtag mix of bottles, tins and
baby food jars
some labelled only in Armenian
others even more cryptically
in English — a dessicated fish juts
from a jar marked “Bombay Duck”
and potentially magic seeds
lie in a bottle labeled “Keens”

They entranced me then
and fling me back now to
a time when that kitchen was
crowded with people
steaming with flavors
and I would cook with my mother
father or grandmother

The tins are old
the spices ashen
but for conjuring
their potency
is undiminished

Ice Storm

The trees glisten
under the frigid sun
outside you can hear them
groan and crackle under
the weight of ice
layer upon layer laid down
drop by drop until
the burden is almost
too much to bear
but they hide their distress
behind sparkling
luminous facades
like her
radiant eyes belie
bones rimed with years of
anguish and regret
the weight of pain and
sorrow making any action

When the thaw comes
the ice will leave
drop by drop
as it came and the trees
will stand tall and
quiet again but
who or what will
warm her bones and
melt her melancholy?


Entwined we lay
contours aligned like
full length contact
body to body
breathing, pulsing
but not exactly

your freezing feet wedged
between mine
bare skin against
flannel and fleece
the dog taking up
half the bed and
cat pacing the rest
clambering over us

This is middle-age
not furtive stolen kisses
and hidden passions
but flat out, solid love
perfect in imperfection
outstanding in subtlety
an impenetrable heavy
blanket of warmth

I would not trade for
youthful indiscretions
unless they were
with you.

These poems appeared in The Blue Nib Literary Magazine

Thursday, August 08, 2019

John Kaprielian: Letters From My Father

Words were not just words
in my father’s house
they had weight
and character
and were not to be
placed on a page

He thought about them
differently than I do
with a designer’s eye
not a poet’s
he loved them just as much.

Words and letters
serifs and sans
leading and kerning
points and

I was born into this.
my baby book was a
California job case.

When he died
his house was filled with
so many words
type books
old jobs
and a bag of
wooden type
old and mildewed.
Mostly his initials –
Ws and Ks
with a smattering
of others
I guess he liked.

They used to live in his office;
a few I remember from walls or shelves
in the house where I grew up.
A tall and sleek J I always liked
rich with wood grain
sat dejected in the bottom of the bag.

I spent a good part of a day
cleaning my father’s letters
brushing and washing and oiling them
till they looked as I remembered them
so many years ago.

Despite the lack of vowels
they speak to me
murmuring stories from the past
a physical manifestation of
one of my father’s
many voices
in wood


 John Kaprielian

This poem originally appeared in Foliate Oak Literary Magazine

Wednesday, August 07, 2019

John Kaprielian: SUMMER OF '77

I remember that summer
when we were so careful
watching every car wondering
if it was him, waiting to
hear who the next victim
would be or what note he
might leave for the police.
It had gone on so long
since last fall and now it was
the heat of the July and
he was still out there.
Everyone was nervous
I was 13 and terrified
my cousins lived in Queens
and we were not far from the
city line so we didn't feel
safe either in that awful
sweltering summer of
murder arson and despair
when the City had turned to
shit and there was graffiti
everywhere and in the
middle of that

the lights went out
25 hours without power a
dirty hot sweaty night people
in the streets singing, helping,
looting, hooting, dancing
sharing, shouting

but come daybreak
the City hadn't burned down
and the Son of Sam didn't
kill anyone that night.
The power came back on
and we knew that if we could
live through that we could get
that bastard and in less than
a month he was behind bars
and everyone could relax again.

John Kaprielian

This poem appeared in the The 5-2, which publishes poems about crime.

Tuesday, August 06, 2019


Բոլոր այն անխնայ պայքարներէն
          ապարդիւն ձեռնարկներէն
          ծափերէն - ծիծաղներէն - արցունքներէն

Բոլոր այն քրտնաթոր գիշերներէն
          անքուն հերթերէն
          յաջողութիւն կամ յուսախաբութիւններէն

Բոլոր այն յաղթանակ կամ անտեսումներէն
          առանց վարձատրութիւն սպասելու կատարուած
          անհատնում զոհողութիւններէն

Այսօր ոչ մէկ բան մնաց ափերուս մէջ
Ամէն ինչ սահեցաւ - հալեցաւ - շոգիացաւ
Ամէն ինչ մոռցուեցաւ
          կամ դիտմամբ մոռացութեան տրուեցաւ

Ոչ մէկ բան մնաց այսօր - ոչ մէկ բան
Միայն քու շրթներուդ հետքը մնաց շրթներուս վրայ


Monday, August 05, 2019


Տաքցուցիր զիս

     Յագեցուցիր զիս

       Ամոքեցիր զիս

         Ուղղեցիր զիս

            Լուսաւորեցիր զիս

Ծաղկեցուցիր զիս

     Բժշկեցիր զիս

         Սրբագրեցիր զիս

           Գնահատեցիր զիս

             Գտար զիս

Ողջնցո՛ւր զիս
Դուն ով սէր


Sunday, August 04, 2019


Սեւ վարդ մըն է յիշատակը - կը թօշնի
Յաղթանակը հին աղբիւրի մը նման կը ցամքի
Ճակտի քրտինքը կը շոգիանայ
Վաստակը կը մոխրանայ
Անհանդարտ ճնճղուկ մըն է ժամանակը որ կը թռի կ՛երթայ
Կ՛անցնի կեանքը - սէրը կը մնայ

Նուաճումներն ու համբաւները տակաւ կը տժգունին
Թագերն ու շքանշանները կը ժանգոտին
Գահերն ու գահակալները կը մոռցուին
Սրընթաց գետ մըն է ժամանակը որ կը հոսի կ՛երթայ
Կ՛անցնի կեանքը - սէրը կը մնայ

Մարմինները կը հիւծին
Բառերը կը մաշին
Վրէժը - քէնը - նախանձը փսոր - փսոր կը փշրուին
Բազմութիւնները առանձնութեան անձրեւներուն տակ կը թրջին
Անզսպելի հով մըն է ժամանակը որ կը սուրայ կ՛երթայ
Կ՛անցնի կեանքը - սէրը կը մնայ

Կ՛անցնի կեանքը
           Կ՛անցնինք մենք
                        Սէրը կը մնայ


Saturday, August 03, 2019


Մարած կրակներու մոխիրներով մի՛ զբաղիր
Նոր կրակ մըն ալ դո՛ւն վառէ

Դեղնած տերեւներով մի՛ պարապիր
Թօշնած ծաղիկներով մի՛ տագնապիր
Նոր ծառ մը - նոր ծաղիկ մըն ալ դո՛ւն տնկէ

Հին առասպելներու հոսանքն ի վեր մի՛ նաւարկեր
Նոր դիւցազներգութիւն մըն ալ դո՛ւն կերտէ
Նոր հերոս մըն ալ դո՛ւն ստեղծէ

Լուռ հրաբուխներու գագաթին թառած
Լիճերուն մէջ մի՛ լողար
Հրաբուխ մըն ալ
Նոր հրաբուխ մըն ալ դո՛ւն եղիր
Եւ գաղափարի լաւաներով խաւարները փարատէ՛

Ժանգոտած կղպանքներով մի՛ մաքառիր
Փակ դռներով մի՛ պայքարիր
Լուսաւոր հորիզոններու վրայ բացուող
Նոր դուռ մըն ալ դո՛ւն եղիր

Մարած կրակներու մոխիրներով մի՛ զբաղիր
Մի՛ վարանիր - վառէ՛
Ճրագ մըն ալ
Կրակ մըն ալ դո՛ւն վառէ