Diana Der-Hovanessian: Seven Warnings in Search of an Armenian Feminist (for Erica Jong)
Originally published in Ararat, Spring 1993, then in THE SECOND QUESTION, The Sheep Meadow Press, 2007
Հայ Բանաստեղծութեան Համացանցը։ Projet de Poésie Arménienne
Posted by
Armenian Poetry Project
12/01/2024 07:00:00 AM
Labels: Diana Der-Hovanessian, USA
Love is not all. It is not food nor drink.
Edna St. Vincent Millay
Nor is food love, but palate's sport alone.
Even with ceremony, without toast or vow,
it is just means of keeping flesh on bone.
But table and altar are confused somehow.
We substitute our food again, again
for rites of love. Look how this buffet sinks
with golden fowl and platters of grain
and candles for our eyes to drink.
Love is not food. But in the name of those
with parched throats, who could not eat
or pray, whose empty mouths have closed,
whose bellies swelled with pain not meat,
we call it sustenance when it is shared.
And sharing we call prayer.
From Songs of Bread, Songs of Salt, Ashod Press
Posted by
Armenian Poetry Project
11/28/2020 01:57:00 PM
Labels: Diana Der-Hovanessian, USA
Posted by
Armenian Poetry Project
2/19/2019 07:00:00 AM
Labels: Diana Der-Hovanessian, Translated into Armenian, USA
Posted by
Armenian Poetry Project
10/28/2018 06:42:00 AM
Labels: Diana Der-Hovanessian, USA
Let us agree to meet
here some winter
when the park
gates are locked,
and the arches thinned
of their vaulting green
to climb the wall,
thaw the icicles
and watch the rain
like flowering
cherry and lilacs
that kissed your hair;
some winter
when the fog is heavy,—
to return to this light.
Posted by
Armenian Poetry Project
8/13/2018 07:00:00 AM
Labels: Diana Der-Hovanessian, USA
There was no need long ago
to perspire. And salt
had not been discovered.
It took medieval pain
and pressure, the worry
over fate and free
will to make man sweat.
Then salt crystallized and those
who discovered it lived
in an Armenian village called Koghb.
Even before that day
the Greeks in books of alchemy
labeled salt, sal armenicum
in deference to the origins of
alum, malachite, and lazulite.
Along the river Vardamark,
along the Arax and Akhurian
through the valley Aghto
traders came, by oxcart
and caravan along Salt Road
to the mines
of Nakhijevan, Keghzvan
from the west
until the railroad’s time.
From the east another horde
decided there might be
a better way to speed
the supply
by making the Armenians
weep and weep.
But do not think salt came
from Armenia because
it was the land of tears.
Tears come from laughing too.
Salt is what is left
when the sea recedes,
when the flood subsides.
It is what is left
when passion is eased
to coat the face of calm.
The same salt that flavors
the table sweetens the breath,
causes the blood to rise, spoils
the pilaf and brightens the smile.
Salt that eats the heart
can erode the sun.
When you throw it over
your left shoulder to blind
the eye of Bad Luck
invite Good Luck to your table,
and say with the Armenian poets
“Hey, djan,
let us toast one another,
the dispersed;
but don’t let the salt
of longing close our throats
with thirst
Hey, djan,
our differences, like salt
flavor what we eat.
But let us not consume
more salt than meat.”
"Salt" first appeared in AGNI
Posted by
Armenian Poetry Project
3/04/2018 07:00:00 AM
Labels: Diana Der-Hovanessian, USA
Once Sona gave me an angel. Or I should say
a drawing of one sprinkling stars
like snow, inscribing it, "Diana scattering
light." Not mother, not mommy, not mom —
she used my name. I taped it to the door
of her old room and there it stayed until
it came to life today. Walking in Somerville
I saw a woman in an empty parking lot
scattering crumbs St. Francis style
to swarming pigeons at her feet,
Sona’s angel strewing stars, chatting as regent,
angel, queen, — bag lady no more, but mother
feeding her children, dispensing grace.
Posted by
Armenian Poetry Project
3/03/2018 07:00:00 AM
Labels: Diana Der-Hovanessian, USA
Diana Der-Hovanessian, poet, translator, and long-time member of a vibrant Armenian community, President of the New England Poetry Club, passed away on March 1st, 2018.
Posted by
Armenian Poetry Project
3/02/2018 06:36:00 AM
Labels: Diana Der-Hovanessian, USA
Click here to read MARY BUCHINGER's review.
Posted by
Armenian Poetry Project
7/15/2015 07:00:00 AM
Labels: Book, Diana Der-Hovanessian, USA
Click here to read the article entitled Commemorating the Armenian Genocide.
Posted by
Armenian Poetry Project
3/19/2015 09:16:00 AM
Labels: Armenian Genocide, Diana Der-Hovanessian, New Zealand
Voice: Careful, careful. Jealousy devours.
Me: But I'm never jealous. That's one fault I don't have.
Voice: Then who made all these claw marks?
The roads we walked
are overgrown with glass
and concrete. They fade
and brighten as though
in a dream.
Things we never talked
out become the main
discussions I recall.
Insects from the undergrass
overtake and eat the paths
both real and unexplained
as if there were no wall
of actuality between.
The truth unfolds now.
The way I dream it
is the way it was.
Ձայն.- Զգոյ՛շ, զգոյ՛շ։ Նախանձը կը յօշոտէ՛։
Ես.- Բայց ես բնա՛ւ նախանձոտ չեմ։ Մէ՛կ ունակութիւն է որմէ զերծ եմ։
Ձայն.- Հապա ուրկէ՞ եկան մագիլներու այս հետքերը։
Ճամբաները որ չափեցինք
խճճուած են ապակիով
ու պէթոնով։ Անոնք
կը նոսրանան ու
կը խտանան--կարծես
անուրջներու մէջ ըլլային։
Կը յիշեմ այն չըսուած խօսքերը
որոնք մեր խօսակցութեան
գլխաւոր նիւթ դարձան։
Խոտերու խոր արմատներէն
միջատներ կը խոյանան ու
կը լափեն թէ՛ իսկական եւ
թէ բացատրութեան կարօտ
ճշմարտութեան պատ
չըլլար անոնց միջեւ։
Այժմ իրողութեան կծիկը
կը քակուի--ճի՛շդ այնպէս է՝
ինչպէս կÿերազեմ։
---------- Դայանա Տէր Յովհաննէսեան
Թարգմանեց Թաթուլ Սոնենց
Posted by
Armenian Poetry Project
9/17/2014 07:00:00 AM
Labels: Diana Der-Hovanessian, Translated into Armenian, USA
You stand at the green slate
to write
under a neon light,
for 20 year old students
who grumble and resent
the strange letters
invented by Mashtots
to divide Armenian from
his Greek brother.
You write
and the color-of-orange
this is the last time.
Another twenty years
and another man will stand
after a long day at the lab
also writing on the blackboard:
thinking this is
for the last time.
Կանգնած ես կանաչ քարետախտակին
նէօնէ ճրագի ներքեւ
քսանամեայ աշակերտներու համար
որոնք կը կրկրան ու կը դժգոհին
ի տես Մաշտոցի
տարօրինակ տառերուն,
հնարած՝ զատելու համար հայերէնը
իր յոյն եղբօրմէն։
Կը գրես
եւ նարինջի գոյն
թէ այս վերջին անգամն է։
Քսան տարի եւս
եւ ուրիշ մէկը պիտի կանգնի
աշխատանոցի երկար օրէն ետք
ինք եւս գրելու քարետախտակին.
ծուխի գոյն,
խորհելով, թէ
այս վերջին անգամն է։
-------- Դայանա Տէր Յովհաննէսեան
Թարգմանեց Թաթուլ Սոնենց
Posted by
Armenian Poetry Project
9/16/2014 07:00:00 AM
Labels: Diana Der-Hovanessian, Translated into Armenian, USA
Posted by
Armenian Poetry Project
4/03/2014 07:00:00 AM
Labels: Contemporary, Diana Der-Hovanessian, USA
Start with the first century,
with the pagan chants praising Vahakn,
describing the coming of fire.
Then go back to the time
of psalms to the sun
by ancestors with Hittite names.
Go back to the stones
carves with cuneiform,
and the Khatti that came before these.
Call in the gods of earth and the skies,
of mountains, rivers and winds.
Summon the deities of wells and clouds,
spirits to bring sweet dreams.
Move then to Haig, his battle
with Pel. Remember the Assyrians in the hills.
And Ara the Handsome,
David's battles with Egypt,
and Vartan on the Persian battlefields.
Remember the poems that honor their passing,
and bless the reciter's lips.
Say the canticles of Narek.
Try to recall one line
of Magistra's thousand line ode,
of Aristeke's description of Alp.
Then sing the hymns of
Nerses the Gracious, and narratives
that make the listener weep.
Remember the fables of Mkhitar Gosht,
remember the fables that teach
no matter what dragons you slay,
never sweep off the dark cloud sleep.
This work has appeared in Graham House Review, Spring 1990.
Posted by
Armenian Poetry Project
3/01/2014 07:00:00 AM
Labels: Contemporary, Diana Der-Hovanessian, USA
Posted by
Armenian Poetry Project
2/01/2014 07:38:00 AM
Labels: Contemporary, Diana Der-Hovanessian, USA
Posted by
Armenian Poetry Project
12/10/2013 07:00:00 AM
Labels: Contemporary, Diana Der-Hovanessian, Translated into Armenian, USA
Once during the war
on a bus going to Portsmouth
a navy yard worker
told me the secret of life.
The secret of life, he said,
can never be passed down
one generation to the other.
The secret of life, he said,
is hunger. It makes an open hand.
The secret of life is money.
But only the small coins.
The secret of life, he said,
is love. You become what you lose.
The secret of life, he said,
is water. The world will end
in flood.
The secret of life, he said,
is circumstance.
If you catch the right bus
at the right time
you will sit next
to the secret teller
who will whisper it
in your ear.
Ffrom Selected Poems of Diana Der-Hovanessian. © Sheep Meadow Press, 1994.
Posted by
Armenian Poetry Project
5/16/2013 07:00:00 AM
Labels: Contemporary, Diana Der-Hovanessian, USA
a lute without strings
strings without knots
knots without pegs
pegs without holes
holes without ground
ground without seed
seed without rain
rain without skies
skies without wind
wind without direction
direction without home
home without hearth
hearth without fire
fire without fuel
fuel without air
air without sun
sun without light
light without dark
dark without sound
sound without melody
melody without words
words without heart
heart without hope
hope without song
song without lute
This poem has previously appeared in Ararat.
տաւիղ եմ առա՛նց լարի
լարեր՝ առա՛նց կապի
կապեր՝ առա՛նց սեպի
սեպեր՝ առա՛նց ծակի
ծակեր՝ առա՛նց հողի
հող՝ առա՛նց հունտի
հունտ՝ առա՛նց անձրեւի
անձրեւ՝ առա՛նց երկնքի
երկինք՝ առա՛նց հովի
հով՝ առա՛նց կողմի
կողմ՝ առա՛նց տունի
տուն՝ առա՛նց թոնիրի
թոնիր՝ առա՛նց հուրի
հուր՝ առանց փայտի
փայտ՝ առա՛նց օդի
օդ՝ առա՛նց արեւի
արեւ՝ առա՛նց լոյսի
լոյս՝ առա՛նց մութի
մութ՝ առա՛նց ձայնի
ձայն՝ առա՛նց մեղեդիի
մեղեդի՝ առա՛նց բառի
բառեր՝ առա՛՛նց սրտի
սիրտ՝ առա՛նց յոյսի
յոյս։ առա՛նց երգի
երգ՝ առա՛նց տաւիղի
…..Դիանա Տէր Յովհաննէսեան
Թարգմանեց՝ Թաթուլ Սոնենց
Posted by
Armenian Poetry Project
10/05/2012 07:00:00 AM
Labels: Contemporary, Diana Der-Hovanessian, Translated into Armenian, USA
Posted by
Armenian Poetry Project
2/09/2012 07:00:00 AM
Labels: Contemporary, Diana Der-Hovanessian, USA
Posted by
Armenian Poetry Project
2/08/2012 07:00:00 AM
Labels: Contemporary, Diana Der-Hovanessian, Translated into English, USA
APP and its producer, Lola Koundakjian, retain the right to accept or reject any poetry submission(s) based on the criteria provided by the project description.
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