Hovig Manoyan: Sickly
Հայ Բանաստեղծութեան Համացանցը։ Projet de Poésie Arménienne
Posted by
Armenian Poetry Project
1/31/2013 08:00:00 AM
Labels: 2012 Competition, Contemporary, Hovig Manoyan, USA
Posted by
Armenian Poetry Project
1/31/2013 07:30:00 AM
Labels: 2012 Competition, Contemporary, Shant Dickran, USA
Posted by
Armenian Poetry Project
1/31/2013 07:00:00 AM
Labels: 2012 Competition, Contemporary, Julien Ghouliance, USA
someday we will climb Mount Ararat and the
remains of Noah's skiff will splinter into our
thumbs and the pads of our fingertips, our
knees will be rubbed red raw by her crags, but
after a week we will sit on her summit Masis and with
throbbing hands and patellae, we will weep over the
clip-winged sparrows and the village of Van where our family
once fashioned jewelry on an estate that lives in
the dreams that were only our grandmother's
faintest and fondest of memories
Mama was only thirteen when the slaughter
began, she sat on the granite wall with a beautiful
box, but her family couldn't bring everything, they had to
leave things behind for the terror to take: the goats
and the uncles and the bodies not yet things they could
call corpses riddled with hatred, stuffed with hearts still
clenched in their fists in their fear in their crumpling
rib cages, still wronged, everything was wrong...
Armenian children are not apples in their mother's
eyes-- we are yellow-orange apricots dried by the
sun and cradled in the palms of those who cradled
us in their tender, weeping wombs; I am my
mother's apricot, and my wrinkles crinkle beneath my
skin because the children of a genocide are from
their first scream, old, and Mom, you and I are remnants
of a place and time raped but we have never allowed
ourselves to die because between the eyes, the muzzle
of a gun is just a molehill and
when we climb Ararat, sweet mother of our grandmothers, we
will watch time tunnel back to Siran and Keghanoush
drawing water and grinning in the sun, and sitting on her
peak Masis, we will weep over the sparrows and the village and
the apricots wrinkled in the dirt, lost from their mother's
palms and spotted from the moisture of our tears:
someday we won't be the only ones who remember.
Rachel Megan Maclean, the winner for the student category is from Northside High School, Roanoke, VA.
She is 17 years old and studies with Mrs. Sally McFall
Honourable mentions to:
Julien Ghouliance 7th grade
Shant Dikran, and Hovig Manoyan, both 6th grade.
St. Gregory Hovsepian School, Pasadena, CA
Posted by
Armenian Poetry Project
1/30/2013 07:00:00 AM
Labels: 2012 Competition, Contemporary, Rachel Megan Maclean, USA
Posted by
Armenian Poetry Project
1/27/2013 07:00:00 AM
Labels: AGUSTÍN TAVITIAN, Argentina, Translated into French
Posted by
Armenian Poetry Project
1/23/2013 07:00:00 AM
Labels: Christopher Janigian, Contemporary, USA
Posted by
Armenian Poetry Project
1/20/2013 07:00:00 AM
Labels: USA, William Saroyan
Posted by
Armenian Poetry Project
1/19/2013 07:00:00 AM
Labels: USA, William Saroyan
Posted by
Armenian Poetry Project
1/15/2013 07:00:00 AM
Labels: Canada, Contemporary, Rupen Khajag, Translated into English
APP and its producer, Lola Koundakjian, retain the right to accept or reject any poetry submission(s) based on the criteria provided by the project description.
Send your comments to armenianpoetryproject[at]gmail[dot]comFollow us on Twitter: @armenianpoetry
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