Sunday, October 04, 2020

There are no winners in war and no losers in peace

Lola Koundakjian, Curator and Producer, of the Armenian Poetry Project , sent a message to various international poetry festivals including Casa della poesia (Italy), The International Poetry Festival (Medellin, Colombia), FESTIVAL MUNDIAL DE LA PALABRA Worldfest, Poesía en la Escuela (Argentina), Internationales Literaturfestival (Berlin, Germany) and World Poetry Movement, condemning the war against Armenia. 

Dear Friends in Poetry:

It saddens me to share these news, yet there is no escape from political reality.

I call onto you, to share with our community of poet friends and colleagues a call of action, protests and readings to bring to the world's attention this unjust war.

I share below the press statement of Garo Paylan, a Member of the Turkish parliament. There are no winners in war and no losers in peace, a moto we can cherish for years to come.

Many thanks

Lola Koundakjian, New York, NY

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