Sunday, May 28, 2006

Arshile Gorky: Sing when you receive this letter

Click to hear Sing when you receive this letter, read by Lola Koundakjian.

In homage to Karlen Mooradian, Gorky's nephew, biographer and translator of his letters. Culled by AG's letters by Harold Kulungian, 1991.

Sing when you receive this
And recall our mountains!
Would that we were together
So that we could sing of the homeland!
I believe that you all are here
And that we are singing sad songs
Together as I paint.

Dance the Shadakhtzi dance
And I will join you!
Sing of Van and I will hear you!
Sing the mountains and I will
Climb them with you!
Sing of sorrows
And I will grip your hand!

Sing of Van, sing of apricots
And wheatfields, of plows,
Sing of songs!
Oh, Moorad, sing
When you receive this letter--
Sing, Kasheh gutan ari yar vaile lele.(Pull the plow, Oh come my sweetheart).


This poem has appeared in the Winter 1994 issue of Ararat Quarterly Magazine. Used here by kind permission.

1 comment:

Mark Gavoor said...

This is beautiful and sad and beautiful. It is like the handless painting of his mother featured in the movie Ararat.

The man could paint. The man could write.

Thanks for posting this.
