Thursday, January 31, 2013

Hovig Manoyan: Sickly

Green Buddha on a fruit stand
with mangos, strawberries, bananas,
blueberries, apricots, lemons, and oranges.
On good days, the Buddha serves you politely,
hands you a pear. It's like farmer's market
with free coconut and pineapple drinks.
Today, Buddha prays to Brahmin
to take greenness away. He barfs
hairballs on your horrible, horrible fruit bowl.

Hovig Manoyan has received honorable mention in this year's poetry competition, in the student category. He is 11 years old and in 6th grade at St. Gregory Hovsepian School, Pasadena, CA

1 comment: said...

This is a great little poem! I love it. Thank you Lola for publishing it!