Իրմա Աճեմեան։Բայց
Բայց հիմա որ պատուհանէս կիսաբաց
Գաղտնագողի ես գարունը կը դիտեմ
Ու կը տեսնեմ թէ նշենին է ծաղկեր
Հազար սրտեր դաշտի խոտին պէս խոնաւ
Կանանչ հագած, յոյս ամբարած կ՛ոստոստեն --
Ինչպէ՜ս կրնամ ես լուռ մնալ ու չերգել…
Հայ Բանաստեղծութեան Համացանցը։ Projet de Poésie Arménienne
Բայց հիմա որ պատուհանէս կիսաբաց
Գաղտնագողի ես գարունը կը դիտեմ
Ու կը տեսնեմ թէ նշենին է ծաղկեր
Հազար սրտեր դաշտի խոտին պէս խոնաւ
Կանանչ հագած, յոյս ամբարած կ՛ոստոստեն --
Ինչպէ՜ս կրնամ ես լուռ մնալ ու չերգել…
Posted by
Armenian Poetry Project
8/31/2010 07:00:00 AM
Labels: Irma Ajemian, Turkey
Հայը իր ինքնութիւնը պահելու համար, ուր որ երթայ, իր հետ կը տանի իր եկեղեցին, իր թերթը եւ իր դպրոցը։
Մկրտիչ Փորթուգալեան
Posted by
Armenian Poetry Project
8/30/2010 07:00:00 AM
Labels: France, Mkrtich Portugalian, Quotes
Posted by
Armenian Poetry Project
8/29/2010 07:00:00 AM
Labels: France, Missak Manouchian, Translated into French
Alexandria, 1954
Posted by
Armenian Poetry Project
8/28/2010 07:00:00 AM
Labels: Contemporary, Gregory Djanikian, USA
Such a meticulous child,
it wasn't always easy for me
to watch my grandmother cook.
She used her hands for measuring cups,
her fingers as tablespoons.
Close enough, she'd say
while she worked over the pots and cauldrons
that steamed with fasoolya, pohrov kufta,
dolma... She used garlic when she was happy,
and she was happy often.
She baked a lot, too.
Whenever I'd come over she'd stuff
flour-fingered walnuts in my mouth
and talk while I couldn't.
Like so many old-country cooks
she cleaned her kitchen through use.
The corners and back cupboards lay kittied
and abandoned, while the working parts
were wiped at least daily.
I gauged her aging
by the slow encroachment upon her kitchen.
I watched her slow, stoop, and finally sit
in her green and stainless wheelchair.
The time I discovered her at the stove fenced
in an aluminum walker, I stole
down the long empty hall of her deafness,
and out.
When she died,
the only part of her kitchen that was clean
was the right-front burner on her gas stove.
While my uncles worked in other rooms,
my father and I took the kitchen --
two pools of cleanliness spreading outward.
We stopped as the people began to arrive.
That'll have to do, my father said, sliding
the damp dish towel from his shoulder.
Close enough, I thought, and left
for the living and the mourners.
This poem is part of the volume entitled "The Eating of Names", published by Ashod Press, 1983. It is reprinted here by kind permission of the author.
Posted by
Armenian Poetry Project
8/27/2010 07:00:00 AM
Labels: Contemporary, Michael Akillian, USA
“Afghanistan is Great”
Afghanistan is great, but much smaller
than previously assumed.
the need for education
in Afghanistan is great
and must be met quickly,
need for food in Afghanistan is great,
with unique problems
facing Afghanistan.
The need for tough, dependable,
locally repairable wheelchairs in
Afghanistan is great.
A mountain. An airplane. Aviation in
Afghanistan is great fun.
Pipeline via Afghanistan is great.
There is no question that Allah’s
knowledge and love of Afghanistan
is great
even as he regrets
the limits of his understanding.
Ara Shirinyan was born in 1977 in, what was then, the Soviet
Socialist Republic of Armenia. Since 1987, he has lived in Los
Angeles, where he writes and is editor of Make Now Press. His first
book Syria Is in the World will be available in June, 2007 from Palm
Press. With the group Godzik Pink, he released two CDs (Es Em, Ekel
Em and Black Broccoli) on Kill Rock Stars/5rc. With Stan Apps and
Teresa Carmody, he co-curates The Last Sunday Reading Series at the
Smell in Los Angeles (an all ages punk/art rock club that he helped
co-found in 1997 and briefly ran for a year). His work has appeared
or is forthcoming in Word Ways, UBUWEB, Greetings, Trepan, Combo,
Area Sneaks, Tuli & Savu among others.
Posted by
Armenian Poetry Project
8/25/2010 07:00:00 AM
Labels: Ara Shirinyan, Contemporary, USA
Northern Manhattan is a mix of various cultures and languages. As part of June's 8th Annual Uptown Arts Stroll Author and host of the Sunday Best Reading Series Patricia Eakins curated the event Uptown Voices: Writing Across our Cultures, an evening of short stories and poetry read by authors in their native languages. The authors agreed to repeat their performances for the Manhattan Times, which recorded their readings and developed this podcast.
Click here for Lola Koundakjian's portion of the podcast here.
Posted by
Armenian Poetry Project
8/24/2010 09:43:00 PM
Labels: Contemporary, Lola Koundakjian, USA
Նախնիներուս սրբազան ցուլ
Մեր հեթանոս մեհեաններուն
Աստուածութիւն պղնձաձոյլ
Սեւեռաբիբ ու մշտարթուն:
Մեր պատմութեան չափ հնամեայ
Ու թշնամեաց դէմ կուռ ասպար
Հայ աշխարհի անյաղթ հսկայ
Երկնատարած ձիգ լեռնապար:
Հովանիիդ տակ նոր սերունդ
Հեռասլաց շանթէ մկունդ
Ոգոռումի վճիռ անդուլ:
Թող եղջիւրներդ երկգագաթ՝
Վահագնաշունչ ուժի հաւատ,
Մեր երթին լոյս ծորեն, ո՜վ ցուլ:
Posted by
Armenian Poetry Project
8/24/2010 07:00:00 AM
Labels: Contemporary, Greece, Hagop Djelalian
Իրանդ բաղեղ՝
Որ կը պլլըւի
Մարմնիս ծարաւի:
Ձեռքերդ աղեղ՝
Որ կը պարուրեն
Կեանքս համօրէն:
Համբոյրդ հիւթեղ՝
Տրուած դառն ու հեշտ
Որպէս հրաժեշտ:
Լռութիւնն ահեղ՝
Երգն է կարապին
Ցաւը քարափին:
Posted by
Armenian Poetry Project
8/23/2010 07:00:00 AM
Labels: Contemporary, Greece, Hagop Djelalian
Posted by
Armenian Poetry Project
8/22/2010 10:53:00 AM
Posted by
Armenian Poetry Project
8/22/2010 07:00:00 AM
Labels: Contemporary, Greece, Hagop Djelalian
Posted by
Armenian Poetry Project
8/21/2010 07:00:00 AM
Labels: Contemporary, Greece, Hagop Djelalian
"But as her contemporaries’ memoirs clearly tell us, Akhmatova did read quite a lot of poetry translated from Armenian. If she did, then why in the world shouldn’t we?"
From the article Is true translation impossible? at Poetry Foundation.
Posted by
Armenian Poetry Project
8/20/2010 07:00:00 AM
Изгнаници клети, отломка нищожна
от винаги храбър народ мъченик,
дечица на майка робиня тревожна
и жертви на подвиг чутовно велик -
далеч от родина, в край чужди събрани,
изпити и бледни, в порутен бордей,
те пият, а тънат сърцата им в рани,
и пеят, тъй както през сълзи се пей.
Те пият... В пиянство щат лесно забрави
предишни неволи и днешни беди,
в кипящото вино щат спомен удави,
заспа ще дух болен в разбити гърди;
глава ще натегне, от нея тогава
изчезна ще майчин страдалчески лик
и няма да чуват, в пияна забрава,
за помощ синовна всегдашния клик.
Кат гонено стадо от някой звяр гладен,
разпръснати ей ги навсякъде веч -
тиранин беснеещ, кръвник безпощаден,
върху им издигна за всякога меч;
оставили в кърви нещастна родина,
оставили в пламък и бащин си кът,
немили-недраги в далека чужбина,
един - в механата! - открит им е път.
Те пеят.. И дива е тяхната песен,
че рани разяждат ранени сърца,
че злоба ги дави в кипежа си бесен
и сълзи изстисква на бледни лица...
Че злъчка препълня сърца угнетени,
че огън в главите разсъдък суши,
че молния свети в очи накървени,
че мъст, мъст кръвнишка жадуват души.
А зимната буря им сякаш приглася,
бучи и завива страхотно в нощта
и вихром подема, издига, разнася
бунтовната песен широко в света.
И все по-зловещо небето тъмнее,
и все по се мръщи студената нощ,
и все по-горещо дружината пее,
и буря приглася с нечувана мощ...
Те пият и пеят... Отломка нищожна
от винаги храбър народ мъченик,
дечица на майка робиня тревожна
и жертви на подвиг чутовно велик -
далеч от родина, и боси, и голи,
в край чужди събрани, в порутен бордей,
те пият - пиянство забравя неволи,
и пеят, тъй както през сълзи се пей.
Posted by
Armenian Poetry Project
8/19/2010 07:00:00 AM
Labels: Bulgaria, Peyo Yavorov
Posted by
Armenian Poetry Project
8/18/2010 07:00:00 AM
Labels: Contemporary, Raffi Wartanian, USA
(Yerevan, capital of a republic set up by those Armenians who had not been massacred by the Turks. In 1921, Turkey and Russia divided the republic between them).
His face is quite peaceful, really,
like any child asleep, though the skin
is darkened in places, the curved eyelids
turgid, part of the ear missing
as if bitten off. He lies like a child
asleep, on his side, one arm bent
so the hand curls near his face, one arm
dangling across his chest, fingertips
touching the stone street. His shirt has
two rents near the waist, the slits hunters make
in the stomach of the catch.
Besides the shirt he wears nothing. His abdomen is
swollen as the belly of a pregnant woman
and sags to one side. His hip-joint bulges,
a bruise. His thigh is big around as a
newborn's arm, and from hip-bone to knee
the tendon runs sharp as a crease in cloth,
the skin pulling at it. His knees are enormous,
his feet peaceful as in deep sleep,
and across one leg delicately rests
his penis. Pale and lovely there
at the center of the picture, it lies, the source
of the children he would have had, this child
dead of hunger
in Yerevan.
Sharon Olds, The Dead and the Living, New York, Knopf, 2000.
Posted by
Armenian Poetry Project
8/17/2010 07:00:00 AM
Labels: Contemporary, Sharon Olds, USA
Ձօնուած Ժօաննային
Իրիկուան թոյլ ձայներուն,
Հեծեծմունքը կը լսեմ.
Արեւմարքի շողերուն,
Բոցավառ հուրքերը կ՝ըմպեմ:
Թռչուններու օրօրուն,
Խոնչ սիրերգը խօլագին,
Իրիկուան մէջ կիսափաղփուն,
Երբոր հանդարտ աւարտին:
Բոցահեր սիրավառ կոյսին,
Հծծիւնները կ՝ըմբոշխեմ,
Անոր հոգին մտերիմ
Կը պագնէ յոյսերս վերջին:
Ու հայելիէ գետակին,
Մակերեսին վրայ յստակ,
Զոյգ մը սագեր սպիտակ,
Հպարտօրէն կը յածին:
Արեւմարքին մէջ արփաւոր,
Բոյր ծաղիկներ երերուն,
Անզօր կը խամրին գլխիկոր,
Երազելով լոյս այգուն:
Ու հսկայ ծառեր անդին,
Իրիկուան ջուրերուն մէջէն,
Յուշիկ մեկնող արեւին,
Վերջին ցոլքերը կը ծծեն:
Յովհաննէս Ասպետ Ասատուրեան:Սոյն բանաստեղծութիւնը քաղուած է ՛ Սիրոյ Քնար՝ի էջերէն.
Posted by
Armenian Poetry Project
8/16/2010 07:00:00 AM
Labels: Contemporary, France, Jean Asadour
Posted by
Armenian Poetry Project
8/14/2010 07:00:00 AM
Labels: Albert Kapikian, Contemporary, USA
Տարիները զիրար կը հրմշտեն
Մինչ երկնասոյզ գագաթներ աղօթք կը մրմնջեն:
Ո՞ւր եմ, չեմ գիտեր
ծեր լեռներու՞, թէ՞ տարիներուն մէջ.
Իմ մէջ անոնք են հիմա,
որ բնաւ չկան,
ես նորէն կը պարեմ
հին պարը մահուան.
անոնք՝ եկողները իմ մէջ կը պարեն:
Ձայն մը մութին մէջ ծնունդ կ’աւէտէ.
կը հարցնեմ ինծի` ո՞ւր եմ ես հիմա:
նորերուն ալ կը հարցնեմ:
Անոնք այս պահուն հինին
փէշէն կը ճօճուին.
ես ալ արեւին լոյսը
ամուր գրկած եմ.
հինը կը նորոգուի…
Posted by
Armenian Poetry Project
8/13/2010 07:00:00 AM
Labels: Contemporary, Mariana Bertizlian Ghazarian, Syria
Posted by
Armenian Poetry Project
8/12/2010 07:00:00 AM
Labels: Armenia, Yeghishe Charents
ես իմ երկինքն եմ փնտրում
ճամբարենով յայտնի ու անյայտ
տեսանելի ու գաղտնի
իմաց ու անիմաց։
եւ ես իմ քարտէզն եմ գծում
թանաքով ու մատիտով
իւղով ու իւղաներկով
մրոտած մատներով։
ես լքում եմ հողը,
եւ ես անցնում եմ վախից այն կողմ։
Posted by
Armenian Poetry Project
8/11/2010 07:00:00 AM
Labels: Armenia, Contemporary, Nvart Manuelyan
Posted by
Armenian Poetry Project
8/10/2010 07:00:00 AM
Labels: Contemporary, Ikna Sariaslan, Turkey
His entire body is a stenciled crate
Posted by
Armenian Poetry Project
8/09/2010 07:00:00 AM
Labels: Contemporary, Michael Akillian, USA
Posted by
Armenian Poetry Project
8/08/2010 07:00:00 AM
Labels: Contemporary, Michael Akillian, USA
Posted by
Armenian Poetry Project
8/07/2010 07:00:00 AM
Labels: Contemporary, Michael Akillian, USA
APP and its producer, Lola Koundakjian, retain the right to accept or reject any poetry submission(s) based on the criteria provided by the project description.
Send your comments to armenianpoetryproject[at]gmail[dot]comFollow us on Twitter: @armenianpoetry
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